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Item Pine River Anthology 1959(The Parnassians at Alma College, 1959) Frevel, Kurt; Bryant, DaveThe Pine River, the revived version of the Alma College literary magazine minus the "anthology" previously included in the title, appears in handsome print and binding this year after a four year respite during which only dittoed compilations and a meager Almanian supplement were produced. This happy turn is possible because the writing party of Alma College community turned out enough work to warrant such a publication. Also, the English department was provided with a budget that amply covered printing costs. I here offer my thanks to the creators for their ambition and to the college for providing the icy cash which allowed its fructification. Nearly all the material presented here first stood trial and perhaps error before the exalted but sometimes devastatingly informal-at least so it seemed occasionally to its more formally inclined president-tribunal, Parnassians. Parnassians is the literary society of the college and embraces literarily bent people from all walks of the college community life. Students are of course the coddled members of the society, having a monopoly on the official positions, few and unimposing as these are; and certainly the main purpose of the organization is the stimulation of literary interest in the student body and the helping of interested students on toward greater literary ability in either creating or enjoying. But the group is wider horizoned than just the borders of the institution's inmatedom and prides itself on welcoming professors, professor's wives, townsfolk and townsfolk's wives to its meetings--thus giving itself a breadth of vision, whatever nebulous meaning this has, that would be difficult to get with a purely student comprised group. I could indulge in a lengthy evaluation of the stories, essays, and poems included in the magazine; however this would direct you through the work, and perhaps wrongly, along editorially conceived roads. So let the below remain as unspoiled new territory awaiting your leisurely exploration where you may find essays that interest, poems that sparkle, and short stories that grip.Item Pine River Anthology 1956(The Parnassians at Alma College, 1956-05) Pattison, Eugene H.; Woods, Robert H.; Dresbach, PhyllisPublication can be a joy for those whose avocation is creative art in any form. There is also a creativity among those who merely read and look. For these purposes The Pine River Anthology exists. In its pages, we hope to give you, the beholding creators, a representation of our attempts. In this third annual printed edition of PRA we have attempted, to some extent, to popularize. This may seem an unworthy goal. But love of truth and beauty need to be spread abroad. These things are not secondary; they alone make life worth living. With promises of increased leisure time in the near future, it is important that we fill it with more than emptiness. The selections of writing included here need not be taken as representative either of volume or of value. Value itself is held to be independent of volume. We have tried to provide mouths for as many voices as possible. For the third, time, PRA is a cross section of the arts: pictorial, literary, and musical. The musical selections are settings of a campus poet's work. There are many coincidences in theme--these were not preplanned. Perhaps they occur because each art form speaks of universal human truths and of the experiences of the times. A final word to you, the beholder. Those of us who have grown in and through PRA commend it to you. We who depart say "Vale". Amid the traffic of textbooks, classes, and co-curricular things, take up the pen or palette and try your hand at creation. You'll find it a rewarding experience.Item Pine River Anthology 1955 v2(The Parnassians at Alma College, 1955-12) Pattison, Eugene H.; Dresbach, Phyllis; Lilley, Jodie; Warner, RobertWith this edition of the Pine River Anthology, we enter the fourth year of publication. PRA, as it has come to be called, and Parnassians, its sponsors, are yet young. In its young existence PRA has striven always to be a candid representative of what is being written at Alma College. The selections included herein are, therefore, the writings of those who have been writing, and not those who merely thought about it. They are, likewise, not accustomed to hiding their lights under bushels. Though perhaps developed, their potentialities are perhaps no greater than those of anyone who desires to write. Those who avoid criticism by remaining unpublished should therefore feel encouraged to publish their deeds abroad, and literature should abound hereabouts. Like most youngsters, PRA has been prone to experiment. Various sizes and printing processes have been used. Last spring, art and music were added to its offerings. A printed edition this spring is again a projected goal. In time, there should be a development of a regularized format giving security to those who still love the good, the true, and the beautiful. Whether they manifest their moods in orthodox or unorthodox ways is probably irrelevant. That they do express their outer observations and their inner strivings is probably the most important thing.Item Pine River Anthology 1955 v1(The Parnassians at Alma College, 1955-05) Pattison, Eugene H.Item Pine River Anthology 1954 v3(The Parnassians at Alma College, 1954-12)